Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Met Office

The Met office has annoyed, bemused and then angered me in recent weeks.

With the weather being as it has been in the UK over the last month or so, the public turns to our National weather agency in order to keep up to date with any impending problems.

They have been SO wrong with their forecasts I don't know how they can continue to be considered at the forefront of meteorological forecasting.

Sunday morning just gone I checked their forecast for the coming week, and saw that heavy snow was forecast for Monday and Tuesday, with sleet and snow showers for the rest of the week. Sunday evening I looked again and we had light snow showers Sunday night and light snow for the Monday and Tuesday. Monday morning I woke up to no snow, and grey skies. In work, I checked the forecast for the rest of the week and saw heavy rain for the rest of the week.

We had no rain on Monday and on Monday night they were still forecasting heavy rain for the remainder of the evening and grey cloud on Tuesday.

It is now Tuesday and we've had snow since 2.30pm and it doesn't look as if it's easing up any time soon.

How do these shysters predict the weather??? I reckon some guy just lifts the blind every hour or so and changes the forecast.

Met office? More like Shit office.

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